Support Green Advantage With A
Tax-Deductible Donation

The case for high-performance, healthy buildings has never been more urgent.
Reports from COP29, the DoD’s National Security analysis, the Pope’s Encyclical, and the Lancet Countdown on Climate Change all emphasize one critical message: humanity must act swiftly to ensure a sustainable future.
Transforming the built environment is key to this effort, given its significant impact on the environment and human health. The people who design and construct buildings are essential catalysts for this change.
Green Advantage plays a vital role by credentialing building professionals in best practices for high-performance, healthy buildings. This ensures that building designs translate into real-world sustainability.
We can’t do it alone. Your support is essential. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, your contribution may be tax-deductible. Please consider donating today to help us drive this critical change.

Dean Rodeheaver, PhD
Chair of the Board
Green Advantage, Inc.